Marriage Mediation

Opportunity for reconciliation

Sometimes a crisis or events have occurred which make separation and divorce seem like the only option. However, sometimes, the crisis is a call to action for both partners. Marriage mediation provides an opportunity to create a roadmap for reconciliation either where partners remain under the same roof, or through a controlled physical separation.

How reconciliation could be structured

Marriage mediation can help you both to answer questions about how reconciliation could be structured such as:

  • if we physically separate, how will we manage a controlled separation for our children?
  • what financial arrangements should we put in place while we work towards reconciliation?
  • what commitments are we both willing to make to each other to work on reconciliation?
  • how will we start counseling and with whom? continue counseling?
  • how long will we give to this process?
  • what agreements will we have in relation to legal advice / next steps / third parties?
  • how will we let each other know if we decide that separation is the only option?

To see if marriage mediation may be an option your you, see our special brochure using the link button below.

Marriage Mediation Brochure

In marriage mediation, partners can acknowledge that there is a crisis, and put into place arrangements which create the environment in which they can focus on reconciliation. This can provide the space you both need to work through counseling with a professional relationship counselor.

Contact Sala today to schedule an appointment.